The Crayon Incident
The Crayon Incident tells the story of a group of degenerates, currently living in the Degeniverse, who wound up consuming a few too many LSD-laced crayons. The journey is documented at: - there you can read about the progressively wild trip, and the musings of a Degen gone mad. Each tier in the collection represents more and more intense psychedelic experiences.
This was my genesis collection and introduction to the NFT space.
Scum partnered with the Spanish artist, KONWI. Together they explored an unlikely but connected history. Scum being Mexican, is of Spanish and indigenous descent. That history is bloody, violent, and sad as the Spanish crushed the Aztec Empire and destroyed much of their writing, architecture, and traditions.
This collection explores the theme of Mexican indigenous mythology and history, using both Mexican and Spanish touches to bring the pieces to tragic light.
I was one of three artists responsible for the incredibly successful DeadGods collection ( I wrote a large thread documenting the process that can be read here.
Below are just a small sample of the 10k generative art pieces.